Elite Leadership — Part 1
Part one of the tips and tricks to get your leadership skills operating at the elite level. It’s all about you…
Understanding Yourself, Questions to ask:
Know who you are before setting about changing what you have.
- What would others think of what you are saying?
- Why should anyone follow you?
- What is the impact of your leadership?
- What does good leadership look like? How is it different from Management?
- What is your own style? What will you be unable to change?
- How will you keep your ‘skin in the game’?
- Are you above of below the line?
- How can you apply teaming when you can’t know everything?
Stop Doing, Start Doing:
The problems within an organisation are created by the people in an organisation. change their behaviours and the organisation will change.
- Stop: Taking orders, following the crowd
- Start: Asking why, challenging accepted thinking
- Stop: Coffee, treats, fast food
- Start: Exercise, planned meals, water
- Stop: Email, long meetings
- Start: Focused conversations
- Stop: Trying to multitask
- Start: Plan blocks of time with rests in between
- Stop: Objectives, appraisals and heros
- Start: Enjoying work, play, innovation, transformation
- Stop: Lifelong learning on a specialist area
- Start: Learning many things in shorter blocks
- Stop: Focusing on reaching the top
- Start: Helping each other to work at sustained high performance
Change the way you tell your story
The benefits of applying NLP have been known for a while, but they can be extended to apply to ourselves and improving how we work.
- Apply the 5 Ds of Productivity and be ruthless
- Work out what is worth your time. Work out your hourly salary and decide if tasks can be done cheaper.
- Don’t always think you need to deliver the gold plated solution. Listen to customer requirements, set boundaries and be efficient.
- Remember that all relationships are co-created (it takes two to tango!). We know what we can and can’t do in a relationship. Make changes as needed.
- Change conversations from Transactional (instructions, informative) to Coaching (imagination, innovation) and empowering people to own the solution.
- Assume Trust until proven otherwise. We can only control ourselves.
- Think: growth is how you do a job, not what you are doing.
- Make use of reflective time, know where you are and what is next.
- Apply the The High Performance Pyramid
Build a Better You
Leadership performance is like using your bodies muscles, they are not designed to be stressed 100% of the time. They both grow not only by exercise but also by rest and recuperation, so that next time they are needed they can perform better.
This is known as The Third Space.
So your life changes from a barrage of stress and a plan of activities to oscillating between life events that you control. Your energy usage is managed and performance improved.
One of the techniques for maximising the effectiveness of reflective time is box breathing.
Along with positive thinking and language, effective reflective time and also a enforcing support structure, you are able to be much more productive, demonstrate great leadership and respond to the world much better.
Watch out for Part 2 coming soon….