Firebreak-Healthcare Timeline: Day 7
Sleigh bells ring, are you listening?
Today is the office Christmas party, this means that the most effective use of resource will be finishing off in progress user stories rather than starting anything new before people leave the office.
Completing the Data Entry Form and getting the graph built will feel like a major milestone in delivery if we get there. It would mean we have version 1 built, as close to an MVP that we could define.
We would really like to see a version 2 incorporating all the user research completed. We have 2 days after today to achieve that.
Outcomes from Day 7
The role of ‘developer’ is a broad church and so delivery progress is not always a linear progression. Today we have verified the current C# site — it is currently using MVC provided light weight database, and tested our SQL script, but the two are not connected up yet. There is more development required.
There is value in having dedicated resource for continuity, but there is also value in variation to verify quality.
We have had to turn the static pages into an MVC app, which ‘routes’ requests to a controller that returns the page as a view. Github won’t know about Controllers/Routing etc as it doesn’t really ‘host’ the app, it simply renders files at a given location. This gives a demo challenge for Friday as users will only see this on Gitbhub:
With the database self contained within the solution we could either:
- Put it on Azure
- Run it up in Visual Studio 2015 (Just open the solution and hit F5 and it will run on your laptop)
- Demo with screenshots
We will target running locally with screenshots as a backup for the demo.